General Info on Municipal Services: |
519-255-6500 |
Ambulance Services: |
519-776-6441 |
Animal Services (Injured, abused, stray): |
519-966-5751 |
By-law Enforcement: |
519-255-6266 |
Child Care Services: |
519-255-5312 |
Children's Aid Society: |
519-252-1171 |
Citizenship and Immigration Canada |
1-888-242-2100 |
Education (schools): |
1-800-387-5514 |
Elections Info (Windsor): |
519-255-6285 |
Employment/Human Resources: |
519-255-6515 |
Energy: |
1-877-818-2900 |
Fire and Rescue HQ: |
519-253-6573 |
Human Rights Commission (Ontario) |
1-800-387-9080 |
Legal Aid Ontario: |
519-255-7822 |
Municipal Services - City Hall: |
519-255-6500 |
National Defence - Canadian Recruiting Centre: |
519-252-7615 |
Parking Services: |
519-255-6248 |
Parks and Recreation: |
519-253-2300 |
Parliament of Canada: |
1-800-267-7362 |
Passports: |
1-800-567-6868 |
Police (Windsor): |
519-258-6111 |
Privacy Commissioner (Ontario): |
1-800-387-0073 |
Public Works: |
519-255-6326 |
Security Intelligence Service (Canada) (CSIS): |
1-800-564-0866 |
Social Insurance Numbers: |
1-800-206-7218 |
Social Services/Assistance: |
1-888-748-8895 |
Taxes (Windsor Property): |
519-255-6241 |
Utilities (ENWIN): |
519-255-2727 |
Zoning Information: |
519-255-6267 |